The longest zip line in Europe is less than 2 hours from Madrid

Covering a distance of 445 meters and at a height of 120 meters, the longest double urban zip line in Europe has been inaugurated in Cuenca. This new attraction has been installed in the historic center of Cuenca and with its route you can fly over the Huécar river

The other incredible aspect of this zip line is that it is double, so you can do the tour accompanied by other people.

In order to access it, it starts from the Barrio del Castillo located in the old town of Cuenca, and stretches for 400 meters until it reaches the Cueva de la Zarza path, very close to the Cuenca National Tourism Parador. Those who dare to get on it can reach a speed of between 70 and 80 km/h.

Throughout the tour you will be able to witness incredible views of the natural environment of Cuenca and the historic center of the city, recognized as a World Heritage Site, where you will be able to see from the Hanging Houses of Cuenca to the San Pablo Bridge.

That is why all the people who jump down the zip line will be equipped with a parachute to slow down and allow them to contemplate the views.

The requirements to be able to use the zip line are a minimum weight of 40 kg and a maximum of 120 kilos and a minimum height of 1.20 m and a maximum of 2.15 m. Regarding the prices to be able to jump, this will be €25 per person, likewise, there will be special rates for groups. You can find all the information on the official website of the attraction.

Likewise, if you plan to go to Cuenca, and get on the Zip Line, the schedules for this are as follows:

  • From January to June: from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jump frequency: 10 minutes.
  • From July to September: from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Jump frequency: 10 minutes.
  • From October to December: from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jump frequency: 10 minutes.

Another interesting fact is that it is expected that night jumps can also be offered on Saturdays.

If you visit Cuenca, a city known for its Hanging Houses and Historical Heritage, don’t forget to go through the longest Double Zip Line in all of Europe to have a unique experience of what this city has to offer.

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