Because more than a few people crave something more than popcorn when you go to the movies, many will have tried to sneak food, drinks, snacks as hidden as possible to avoid being caught when entering the theater, because the Basque Institute of Consumer Affairs, Kontsumobidehas imposed on Yelmo Cinemas a penalty of 30,001 euros for preventing users from accessing its facilities with food purchased outside.
All this was initiated by complaints filed by 8 individuals and two complaints filed by two consumer associations, the Basque Association of Consumers and Users (EKA/ACUV) and Facua-Consumidores en Acción.

The complaint denounced that in the Megapark and Artea cinemas in Bizkaia and Boulevard in Vitoria it was forbidden since the beginning of this year to introduce food and beverages acquired outside these establishments. Something that these institutions consider to be a serious consumer infringement since the main activity provided by Yelmo Films is the film exhibition law and it is not legal to ban food from abroad. unless your main activity is the hotel business or it is generally prohibited.
In the Community of Madrid, this consumer association has also taken Yelmo Cines to court for the same reasons. In its cinemas in the capital, the chain has signs with the text “the company does not allow access to these facilities with food and/or beverages purchased outside Yelmo, therefore reserving the right of admission”, a warning that is also made on its website when selling tickets.

The same association comments that the cinema company “intends to take refuge in the exercise of an alleged right of admission” which, in its opinion, is contrary to the law.
We will be commenting further on this news and the scope it may have on food and beverage standards in theaters.
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