Madrid changes time this weekend

Autumn not only brings great changes in the climate and drops in temperature, it also brings with it the time change that marks the beginning of winter and seeks to bring more hours of sunshine for all citizens.

This time adjustment has been carried out in Spain since 1974 with the aim of saving energy.

However, it must be clarified that The issue of the Time Change has its days numbered, since in a couple of years it will no longer take place, according to the latest publication in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), and it is that European Comission He has been trying to put an end to this change since 2018.

For this 2023, the Schedule Change will be in the early morning between Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th October, where 03:00 in the morning will once again be 02:00, so it will give everyone “60 extra minutes” to sleep, go out partying or even take a trip.

It is believed that this will continue until October 25, 2026, the date on which the BOE is currently scheduled to stop the time changes.

Take note of this time change, so that you take it into account for your plans this weekend.

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