After a few days ago the battery of an electric scooter exploded in one of the cars on line 2 of the Madrid metro, their entry into public transport will be prohibited as of November 4.
This is something that has already happened in other large cities such as Barcelona, and in both cases, the measure is adopted provisionally until the safety conditions of this type of elements in public transport can be verified, as reported by the Regional government it’s a statement.

In order to guarantee compliance with this measure, the Madrid Regional Transport Consortium (CRTM) has requested the dissemination of this message through communication channels such as digital media, print media, social networks, web pages, cafes or informative vinyls.
If the ban is not complied with, the official statement states, the offenders will be expelled immediately.
For all this, starting Saturday, November 4, electric scooters will not be able to enter:
- Buses of the Municipal Transport Company of Madrid (EMT)
- Interurban and urban buses in other municipalities
- Madrid Metro facilities and vehicles
- The five interchanges: Plaza de Castilla, Moncloa, Príncipe Pío, Plaza Elíptica and Avenida de América
If you usually move around the city on a scooter and use public transport, we advise you to take note of these changes.
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