Madrid assesses the increase in the price of the transport pass

A few months ago we were all uncertain whether the prices of the transport pass in Madrid would return to their normal rates, however, as of today, the 60% discounts are assured until December of this year 2024, but currently changes in prices are already being evaluated.

From September 2022, public transport users in Madrid will have their monthly fare reduced thanks to the government’s anti-crisis packages, proposed to mitigate the impact of inflation in our country. These discounts, borne in equal parts by the central and regional governments, reduced the prices of the season ticket first by 50% (until February 2023) and subsequently by up to 60%. However, his continuity could have its days numbered.

These are the current prices of the Metro de Madrid Pass in its different modalities

As already mentioned, the bonuses are guaranteed until the end of 2024, however, as of 2025 prices could vary, as suggested by the Minister of Housing, Transport and Infrastructures of the Community of Madrid, Jorge Rodrigo.

The Councilor for Transport has questioned the extension of these discounts, as he considers that the current level of subsidy is “perhaps excessive”. According to Rodrigo, this aid is “fundamental” to “build loyalty and invite” the user to use public transport, but the current subsidy percentage represents a significant budgetary effort for the administration.

For the Minister, the current model is unsustainable and “is detrimental to the quality of the service”, since the subsidy to public transport “limits” other resources such as maintenance or new investments, which are equally important. In his words, “at some point” it will be necessary to consider “a revision of the tariffs and the introduction of some form of progressivity”.

When we have any concrete date or news about this possible change in the fares of the transport pass we will be sharing it in our networks, for the moment, we encourage you to continue taking advantage of these important discounts on public transport in Madrid.

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