The Lavender Fields of Brihuega; History and how to visit them

Surely you have already noticed that we have been doing group outingsto these incredible lavender fieldslocated just an hour and a half from Madrid in the province of Guadalajara.

Specifically, you can see these beautiful lavender fields in the surroundings of the town of Brihuega.


Already 30 years ago, a farmer from this area discovered the lavender fields of Provence and noticed that it was an ideal production for the fields that surrounded his town. At this time, agricultural activity in the area is in full decline.

Since then, in the Brihuega area, about a thousand hectares of Lavender have been planted and a treatment and production plant has been established.

But what is lavender itself? This is an aromatic shrub with bluish lilac flowersin the shape of a spike, whose essence is used to make perfumes.

Thanks to all this, this area of ​​Guadalajara has now become one of the largest lavender producers in the world, with 10 percent of the total production.



The characteristic color of lavender creates an incredible spectacle in the areas where it has been planted, attracting thousands of people each year. Therefore, if you want to visit this famous lavender field,it is at this time of year that it is in full bloom.

Contrary to popular belief, lavender blooms do not take place in spring, which runs from March to April, which is when cherry blossoms or fruit trees bloom in Aitona in Lleida.

Specifically, the perfect month to appreciate the lavender fields is in the month of July. The exact date may vary depending on weather conditions, but it is the beginning of summer that usually marks its flowering.

Likewise, like the cherry blossoms, they last only a few weeks, and it is estimated that they will end at the end of July or the beginning of August at the latest.

You cannot miss this incredible spectacle of nature and for this we leave you the link with our guided visits to these beautiful fields of lavender in Brihuega.

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