Madrid has the third best beer in the world

Every first Friday of August World Beer Day is celebrated, and for this 2022 Spain won several awards, including a bronze in one of the categories and first place in the world ranking as the country with the best beer.

The World Beer Challenge in its 12th edition, based in Portugal, concluded that Spain is the country with the best beer in the world.

There were 125 experts from 29 different countries who awarded Spain 4,523 points, which has earned it the gold medal in this edition, with a great advantage over other countries; France was left with 1,929 points, while the third was Germany with 274 points.

This contest awards prizes in 4 different categoriesBrewmasters (proper names of beer producers),Beer Producers (beer producing brands),Beer Regions (beer by regions) and World Ranking (world ranking by country).

Of these categories, Madrid has obtained the bronze medal with the Mahou-San Miguel for the best beer in the world. Likewise, it has also obtained an award for beer producers with a third place.


Brewmasters Alejo Girón (Mahou and San Miguel) and Ingrid Vico and Santiago Vitón (Mahou) have qualified in the producer category with third and fourth places, respectively.

In addition to Madrid, in Spain, beers from Barcelona, ​​Zaragoza, Bilbao and A Coruñawere also awarded. Here is the complete list of winners by category:

Classification by regions

  • Brasserie Cap D’Ona, en Argels-sur-mer (France)
  • Grupo Ágora, Zaragoza (Spain)
  • Mahou-San Miguel, Madrid (Spain)
  • Mahou, Madrid (Spain)
  • La Salve Bilbao, Bilbao (Spain)
  • Maldita sea, Barcelona (Spain)
  • Hijos de Rivera S.A.U., en La Coruña (Spain)
  • Radeberger Gruppe KG, Fráncfort (Germany)

Ranking by Brewmasters

  • Gregor Engler, Brasserie Cap D’0na (France)
  • Antonio Fumanal, Grupo Agora (Spain)
  • Alejo Girón Mahou, San Miguel (Spain)
  • Ingrid Vico, Alejo Girón, Santiago Vitón Mahou (Spain)
  • Karla Gonzalez, Del Rey La Salve Bilbao (Spain)
  • Karen Peiró, Damm (Spain)
  • Luis Alvar, Hijos de Rivera SAU (Spain)
  • Markus Becke, Radeberger Gruppe KG (Germany)

Classification by producers

  • Brasserie Cap D’0na (France)
  • Grupo Agora (Spain)
  • Mahou-San Miguel (Spain)
  • Mahou (Spain)
  • La Salve Bilbao (Spain)
  • Damm (Spain)
  • Hijos de Rivera SAU (Spain)
  • Radeberger Gruppe KG (Germany)



Take advantage of your time in Madrid and try one of the beers considered the third best in the world.

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