24 Sunday

Kayak, Hiking & Fun! – Sunday, March 24 SOLD OUT

Sun, 24/03/2024 (09:50 - 17:30)
MANGO, Paseo de la Florida, Madrid, España


In no time the good weather is here ☀️ It’s time to get away from the city and enjoy the most authentic and surprising places that Madrid has to offer you. Authentic gems that only a few know about!

We will start with an easy hike in the forest from where the bus leave us to a beautiful beach surrounded by nature and incredible views. We will arrive to the location ready to enter the water

And practice kayaking for about an hour. (2 hours optional). This adventure is suitable for everyone, from beginners to experienced people or for those just looking for a relaxing day on the water and looking for making new friends in a different environment.

★★★ LET’S GO ★★★

WHEN:Sunday, March 24

✔TIME: 09:50


Príncipe Pío shopping center, in front of the MANGO store (Outside the c.c). Metro Príncipe Pío.

✔PRICE: 19€

(Pay 10 euros on the website and 9 euros in cash on the day of the route)

Includes guide, approximately 8km route, 1 hour kayak, photographic report and insurance.

🚗All our routes are accessible by public transportation, so bring something cash for the bus, but if you have a car, you can bring it and share gasoline costs. If you are under 26 years old and have a transportation card, the bus is free.



  1. You can bring food or eat at one of the bars in the area.
  2. Bring at least 1L of water
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Swimsuit & Towel
  5. Appropiate walking shoes.
  6. Something to snack on along the way (fruit, nuts, etc.)
  7. Willingness to meet new people.

Ticket Information



Online booking closed

Event Calendar

Sunday, 24/03/2024

09:50 - 17:30  

Refund Policy

Cancel booking before 2 days


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