04 Sunday

Hiking & Fun «Las Cárcavas» A Scenary from another world

Sun, 04/02/2024 (10:30 - 18:00)
Bus Burguer, Intercambiador de Plaza de Castilla, Plaza Castilla, Madrid, España


Let’s discover together the wild side of Madrid by hiking in these incredible landscapes with people from all over the world. Make new friends, practice languages and enjoy nature.

In this new adventure, we will go from Madrid to Guadalajara, visiting historical places such as the oldest reservoir in Madrid: Pontón de la Oliva, built by prisoners in the mid-19th century.

During this route, we will enjoy beautiful views of unique places, until we reach an incredible landscape from another world: Las Carcavas de Valdepeñas, in Guadalajara. Some formations created by water erosion in reddish clay soils.

In the middle of the hike, we will have a picnic to rest, eat and enjoy the area before starting our return.

This route has a moderate level, 16 km, suitable for all people with adequate physical conditions.

★★★ ¡LET’S GO! ★★★

– DATE: Sunday, February 4

– MEETING POINT: Metro Plaza Castilla, floor 0, in front of Bus Burguer: https://goo.gl/maps/z2SxLrKVrqofh8PQA

– TIME: 10:30

✔ Participation: only 13€

Includes guide, photographic report. Bus apart. Bring some cash.

All our routes are accessible by public transport. We will go by bus, but if you have a car, you can bring it and share the gas costs with other hikers.

📞💚Whatsapp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/B5W5Jog6JiS8lblMAKmaes


1. Wear comfortable hiking shoes (or at least good quality sneakers).

2. Each person must carry at least 1.5 liters of water.

3. Bring enough food, snacks, etc.

4. Sunscreen3. Bring enough food, snacks, etc.


Ticket Information



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Event Calendar

Sunday, 04/02/2024

10:30 - 18:00  

Refund Policy

Cancel booking before 2 days
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