Benefits from practicing Hiking


practice hiking

A large percentage of the Spanish population does not do enough physical activity to stay healthy.

Inactivity is often associated with a variety of health problems; Some of these problems include, but are not limited to: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Despite these health problems associated with inactivity, the good news is that the evidence shows that physical activity helps prevent chronic disease, premature death, and improves health and quality of life. A great way to improve your health and reduce the chances of developing health problems is to go out and do HIKING!

Hiking will bring you the following benefits:

  • Lower stress levels, better mood and greater mental well-being
  • A reduced risk of heart disease
  • A reduced risk of heart disease
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Reduces the risk of colon cancer
  • Improved healthy weight control
  • Body fat reduction
  • Increase and improvement of bone density
  • Better results against osteoarthritis
  • Increase in flexibility and coordination
  • A better quality of life

In addition to all these proven physiological benefits, hiking connects us with nature and reminds us that we are part of it, we enjoy the views, the pure air of an increase in concentration, cognitive abilities and imagination.

Go back to your roots and at least a little, escape from the stress of the city, from all the screens and hyper-connectivity that keep us away from the rural and the natural world.

Take a look at the different HIKING TRAILS that we do in the most beautiful places in and around Madrid. Forests, mountains, rivers, valleys, streams, natural parks, flora and fauna; in short: Life!

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