Privacy Policy





Through this website no personal data is collected from users without their knowledge, nor is it transferred to third parties.


In order to offer you the best service and in order to facilitate use, the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as the activity of visitors and their frequency of use are analyzed. For these purposes, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) uses the statistical information prepared by the Internet Service Provider.

Madrid Urban Vibes does not use cookies to collect user information, nor does it record access IP addresses. Only own session cookies are used for technical purposes (those that allow the user to navigate through the website and use the different options and services that exist in it).

The portal owned by Madrid Urban Vibes contains links to third-party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated to those of Madrid Urban Vibes. By accessing such websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. In general, if you browse the Internet, you can accept or reject third-party cookies from the configuration options of your browser.

Basic information on data protection

Below we inform you about the data protection policy of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Responsible for the treatment

The personal data that could be collected directly from the interested party will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the corresponding treatment activity owned by Madrid Urban Vibes.

End of treatment: maintain a commercial relationship with the User. The operations planned to carry out the treatment are:

  • Sending commercial advertising communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enables commercial communications. These communications will be made by the RESPONSIBLE and related to its products and services, or its collaborators or suppliers with whom it has reached a promotion agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data.
  • Carry out statistical studies.
  • Process orders, requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the contact forms that are made available to them.
  • Placement of interested parties in companies.
  • Forward the newsletter on the website.
  • Data conservation criteria: they will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the end of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, they will be suppressed with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction of the data. themselves.

Rights that assist the User:

  • Right to withdraw consent at any time.
  • Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment.
  • Right to file a claim with the control authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Minors under 14 years of age may not use the services available through the Website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out through the Website by minors in their charge. , including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and to the extent that the Madrid Urban Vibes do not have the capacity to control whether or not users are minors, it is advised that parents and guardians must enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from accessing to the Website and / or provide personal data without their supervision, not admitting the Company and Commits any responsibility in this regard.

Privacy policy update

This Privacy Policy may need to be updated; For this reason, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and if possible each time you access the Website in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment. You can find the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will notify you of any modification to this privacy policy that affects the processing of your personal data.

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